Wednesday, April 28

Scanned Hands

Pencil: 6B, 2B, HB, 4H

I entered this and a couple others, including the self portrait I posted last night, into an art show, that Shasta College is having. Keep your fingers crossed.

And in other news, I recently attained a Moleskin journal. Fuck yeah.

Sulf Pourtrate

Self Portrait, 2B Pencil.

Thursday, April 22

Thursday, April 22, 2010; 8:14 PM

So with the termination of my Facebook account, I have since filled the time that I would have spent on Facebook, using Stumbleupon. So pretty much the entire reason for my deletion of my Facebook account (spending too much time online, not being productive) is rendered pointless.

Anywho, aside from the crushing realization of my internet addiction, kinda gettin back into this:

Not the falling part of course. That was a fluke.
My current project, in my re-assimilation back into the longboarding world is the regripping of my first board I got wayyy back in the Christmas of 07'. A Sector 9 Padang. She's been a good board, and is overdue for some new tape.

Shes coming along nicely.

Monday, April 19

Ashes to Ashes

So I deleted my facebook. I just felt that it was taking up too much of my free time, and I was accomplishing nothing, yada-yada. Yup

Check these guys out if your down for some sick thrash metal.

RAGE ON broskies

Sunday, April 11

11 April, 2010. 5:27PM

I'm super busy, with a very minuscule amount of work to do. But more coming soon.