Saturday, February 27

Vegan Straightedge Hardcore

A good friend of mine just recently celebrated her 19 birthday. So I drew her up a picture inspired by our adventure in San Fran, and had it colored by another friend of ours. Here are the fruits of our labors.

In other news, last night I went to a show at the lovely Sue's Java Cafe in Redding. Good show, I had to bail early, but as I was leaving a band called Abandon was up, and I got pretty stoked on em. If your into Vegan Straightedge Hardcore check em out

Go support local music!

Wednesday, February 24

hang tight

6B, 2B, HB, and 4H grid drawing. She's coming along slowly, but I'll post her as soon as she's done.

Sunday, February 21


So I have not posted in a couple days, due in part to lazieness and other factors. I had the most amazing day in San Francisco yesterday with two of the most amazing people in my life, and am quite sore (or sorry, depending on who you ask) from walking around the San Francisco Zoo, the Warf, Golden Gate Park, etc etc. It was some day.

That said, I'll be getting some more work up soon enough, so if you are counting the minutes, hopefully you wont have to count very many. Also I have been getting some new things done, and some old things that need to be finished finished, so perhaps I'll post those, if I continue working at a steady rate, I'll post some new stuff in the future.

Wednesday, February 17

Lets get in some trub, because tonight I am DFDUB

Some friends of mine, just got their first EP out tonight, at what a heard was a great show. Unfortunately I felt pretty flu-like, and had some school work to deal with, so I couldn't make it to their release show; Fortunately my brother snagged me an CD. The album art was drawn up by me, and I'm stoked to see it on the actual CD. Below are some other sketches that i proposed to them.

check em out if ya digg metal/

Tuesday, February 16

Back from Santa Cruz. Good weekend, good show, good people, etc etc. Had some ups and downs, but mostly ups. The entire time we were their the weather stayed lovely and the campus, like always, was beautiful. Bassnectar was quite the experience. It was a really awesome show, at a really awesome venue (the Catalyst), and everyone just had an amazing time, and I wouldn't hesitate to goto another one of their shows, if you have the opportunity to see them, and have a shred of respect for bass, go see them. And though I had my camera in my pocket for basically the entire time we stayed in Santa Cruz I accomplished to hardly any pictures, but I'll put up the few i did take at some point or another.

In other news, I have been enjoying Pandora radio for the past week or so. It's pretty neat, if you need to get into some new bands and stuff. And as far as art and drawings and what not goes, I'v been feeling pretty motivated to get some new stuff done, so I should get some new stuff up, and stop posting old drawings from last year, so stay tuned.

I hope you have a fine day today.

Friday, February 12

One more for ya real quick

I know I just posted saying I'm goin to Santa Cruz, duh duh duh, etc etc, but I'm gunna put up some pics real quick before goin to bed.

so Here are a couple endeavors in which I found myself successful with Photoshop.

I'm really unfamiliar with Photoshop, and don't really know how to use it effectively, but I thought I was successful enough with these. Honestly I like to stick with more traditional media, but I definitely want to learn to utilize Photoshop at some point in my future.


Headin south tomorrow. Goin down to Santa Cruz to see some friends, and attend a Bassnectar show. Should be a goooood weekend. I'll surely post some photos of the trip when I get back. Till then, have a swell weekend.

And here's something I was particularly successful with I did in 2008, so I can say this wasn't a pointless post.


Heres some stuff I did the Summer of 2009. I discovered how quick I could get down a pic and make it look pretty good, with markers. mostly sharpies here, and some India ink on the mummy and the dog. The police dog was a something I did for my uncle for his birthday (hence the Happy birthday uncle) because he asked me to do a drawing for him. Thanks and any feedback is welcome.

Thursday, February 11


So I decided to make this blog to have a place to post art and stuff, just so I have it in one place and have a place dedicated to any drawings I want to share. Art is always something thats interested me and held my interest throughout my life, so I quite enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Here are just a few things that I have scanned onto my harddrive. I'll get more up in time. These range from anytime from Senior year in high school, till now. About 2008-2010. leave any feedback and if you like what you see, come back, I'll try to post fairly often.

Here are just a few things that I did in my senior year art class, from 2008-2009.

Check back every once an a while, and I'll probably have some new stuff up.