Thursday, November 18

Acrylics I

Lets ignore the fact that I haven't posted on this thing for a lonnnng time, and just get straight to the meat of the post. Paints!

I've been wanting to get into painting, but due to financial reasons couldn't, and after getting some cash money picked up some brushes and cheap acrylics. So here are my first acrylics. they are each on 5" X 7" canvas boards.

Friday, September 24

Plannin' on scanning a good number of drawings and sketches in the very near future.

Tuesday, September 14

Gotta be less lazy

Gotta lotta shit I'll post. Once I scan it...

Hang tight, I haven't forgotten about this thing.

Wednesday, July 21


Already half way through the week. Where do the days go?

No list this time, just a couple drawings.

Thursday, July 1


So, I've been confronted with the truth that, plans often times will not work out the way originally envisioned by yourself. There are just too many different factors involved, especially with the more people involved. This simply just seems to be a truth of life, and something that needs to be understood. You can drive yourself crazy, wishing things would go the way you want, or you can re-asses the situation, figure what would be the best course of action, and continue forth from there.

Goals I have for this Summer:
1) Find/keep a job
2) Be frugal, and save money
3) Spend quality time with my loved ones
4) Stay productive
5) Complete a sketch every day
6) Complete a drawing every week
7) Not get bummed out about petty things, or even major things

I hope you're having a fine day

Monday, June 28


So heres a big old, meaty post straight from my sketch books. I'm pretty lame at posting on this thing regularly, so have a buncha new work to make up for it.

I'm still reeling from how quickly June went by. What I've been doing this past month? Getting a healthy dose of Team Fortress 2 in most days, catching up on all the sleep I missed out on the past 19 years, and applying/getting into The Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

Anyways, if you got some free time (Which I'm assuming you do, since your reading this) check out, if your into space and technology and nebulas and shit.

How bout for tonights list, a list of comics that tickle my fancy:
1) Fear Agent, by Rick Remender
2) Watchmen & V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore
3) The Walking Dead, by Robert Kirkman
4) Hellboy, by Mike Mignola
5) The Amory Wars, by Claudio Sanchez
6) Batman: Year One, by Frank Miller
7) Tank Girl, by Jamie Hewlett

Yeah, if your into comics, nothin too new or exciting, but they're all good reads. And I'm a sucker for anything with zombies or drawn by Tony Moore (Gallery).

Leave me some comments/criticism/feedback/whatever if you get the urge, and thanks again for giving this a read.

Friday, June 11


An average day, since Summer began:
1) Wake up past noon
2) Write a to do list
3) Make a note to not go to bed so late, so I have more time in the day
4) Stumble/waste time on the computer
5) Meet up with friends
6) Repeat step 4, at friends house
7) Somehow stay up till 3-4 am, yet effectively accomplishing nothing from step 2
8) Goto bed
9) Repeat steps 1-8

Tuesday, May 25

End o' May

Well I'm a little bit shocked at how quickly the month of May went by. The lack of posts can be attributed to finals. and apathy. Apathy due to having to worry about finals. So just finals I guess. But I am done with said finals, so I can focus on more important stuff. Like taking naps.

Anyways how bout that oil 'spill' huh? What a fucking mess. I don't have any idea how an offshore drilling rig like that operates, and I'm sure its wildly complicated and a testament to oil extracting technology. But shouldn't there be some fail-safes? Any plans made in case of such a scenario?
Here's a link if you wanna read up on the story:

About that list. How 'bout a list about things I like making lists about:
1) To-Do lists
2) Lists that catalog stuff, like what I have in my bag, or pockets
3) What kind of gear I'd need in case of a zombie outbreak
4) Christmas lists
5) Birthday lists
6) shopping lists
7) lists that list things in numerical order of importance
8) pointless lists

Don't worry I promise I'll have more interesting lists in the future.

Thursday, May 6

Best Day Ever? or Best Day Ever?

Tonight was the opening for the 60th Shasta College Student Art Show. Free tuna sandwiches and carrot sticks were a plenty. A multitude of people were present and it was a wonderful show. Lots of talent and terrific artist attended. The kicker! My drawing was recognized by the Jurors, and I walked away with a cool 100 bucks.

A trip to In n' Out sweetened the night. I was fortunate to witness the majesty that beards can bestow on man. I was able to capture the magic by snagging a photo.

For tonights list; The 3 most talked about stories I've been hearing about on NPR:
1) The BP oil rig disaster
2) The election going on in the United Kingdom at the moment
3) That whole deal with Germany and how they are the leaders of the European Nation or something?

yup. Science Friday tomorrow.

Sunday, May 2

May Day

May is here. Hopefully the weather will make up its mind, and just give us sun (and little wind). My boards regripped, and I'm pretty stoked on shredding in the coming weeks for sure.

In other news, out of the 3 drawings I submitted to Shasta's art show, 1 made it (the drawings below this post). Just goes to show you, if you throw enough tacks at the wall, one of them is bound to stick. Woop!

I don't have any new drawings to post, but here, have a list of links!

So I'm, being such a big fan of lists, going to try sneaking a list into each post. So get stoked on that.

Wednesday, April 28

Scanned Hands

Pencil: 6B, 2B, HB, 4H

I entered this and a couple others, including the self portrait I posted last night, into an art show, that Shasta College is having. Keep your fingers crossed.

And in other news, I recently attained a Moleskin journal. Fuck yeah.

Sulf Pourtrate

Self Portrait, 2B Pencil.

Thursday, April 22

Thursday, April 22, 2010; 8:14 PM

So with the termination of my Facebook account, I have since filled the time that I would have spent on Facebook, using Stumbleupon. So pretty much the entire reason for my deletion of my Facebook account (spending too much time online, not being productive) is rendered pointless.

Anywho, aside from the crushing realization of my internet addiction, kinda gettin back into this:

Not the falling part of course. That was a fluke.
My current project, in my re-assimilation back into the longboarding world is the regripping of my first board I got wayyy back in the Christmas of 07'. A Sector 9 Padang. She's been a good board, and is overdue for some new tape.

Shes coming along nicely.

Monday, April 19

Ashes to Ashes

So I deleted my facebook. I just felt that it was taking up too much of my free time, and I was accomplishing nothing, yada-yada. Yup

Check these guys out if your down for some sick thrash metal.

RAGE ON broskies

Sunday, April 11

11 April, 2010. 5:27PM

I'm super busy, with a very minuscule amount of work to do. But more coming soon.

Monday, March 29


Managed it in four days, thats pretty quick for me.

Thursday, March 25


Started a charcoal piece tonight. Cross your fingers, and I might finish it soon.

Thursday, March 18


Big post, from my sketch book. First two are little collaboration's I did with a couple friends. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 16

Sketched Out

So I just uploaded a number of drawings from my sketchbook. I'm going to deprive my 7 ravenous fans for another night though. Seeing as I am quite tired and my bed looks quite inviting.

Wednesday, March 10

Running on Autopilot

So I haven't been getting really anything done lately. Just floating through the past few days. Watching a gross amount of The Office. Listening to the new Gorillaz album "Plastic Beach" (I highly recommend it if your looking for some new Gorillaz). Saw Alice in Wonderland, and i thoroughly enjoyed it, I thought it was visually stunning, and the though the story was a little uninspired, the characters made up for it. I'll be getting some stuff done and put up eventually. Like I said, I'm slow

Wednesday, March 3

I'm slow

at doing anything.

In other news, I'm looking forward to Alice and Wonderland, and am currently into the sounds from Animal Collective.

so to sum this post up:
I am

I am looking forward to

And I am listening to

Saturday, February 27

Vegan Straightedge Hardcore

A good friend of mine just recently celebrated her 19 birthday. So I drew her up a picture inspired by our adventure in San Fran, and had it colored by another friend of ours. Here are the fruits of our labors.

In other news, last night I went to a show at the lovely Sue's Java Cafe in Redding. Good show, I had to bail early, but as I was leaving a band called Abandon was up, and I got pretty stoked on em. If your into Vegan Straightedge Hardcore check em out

Go support local music!

Wednesday, February 24

hang tight

6B, 2B, HB, and 4H grid drawing. She's coming along slowly, but I'll post her as soon as she's done.

Sunday, February 21


So I have not posted in a couple days, due in part to lazieness and other factors. I had the most amazing day in San Francisco yesterday with two of the most amazing people in my life, and am quite sore (or sorry, depending on who you ask) from walking around the San Francisco Zoo, the Warf, Golden Gate Park, etc etc. It was some day.

That said, I'll be getting some more work up soon enough, so if you are counting the minutes, hopefully you wont have to count very many. Also I have been getting some new things done, and some old things that need to be finished finished, so perhaps I'll post those, if I continue working at a steady rate, I'll post some new stuff in the future.

Wednesday, February 17

Lets get in some trub, because tonight I am DFDUB

Some friends of mine, just got their first EP out tonight, at what a heard was a great show. Unfortunately I felt pretty flu-like, and had some school work to deal with, so I couldn't make it to their release show; Fortunately my brother snagged me an CD. The album art was drawn up by me, and I'm stoked to see it on the actual CD. Below are some other sketches that i proposed to them.

check em out if ya digg metal/